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27 May 2014

Business leaders say politicians must act 'to deliver reform of EU’

Business leaders have demanded that the main party leaders set out new deal with #EU

(left - right) Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband and David Cameron, who have all been left reeling by the “political earthquake” caused by Ukip’s victory in the European elections  Photo: REUTERS
Party leaders must respond to the rise of the #UK Independence Party by setting out detailed plans to renegotiate the relationship with the European Union, business figures say today.

In a letter to The Daily Telegraph, business leaders including some of the Conservative Party’s biggest donors, warn David Cameron that “vague promises” will drive more voters to Ukip.

Mr Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg have been left reeling by the “political earthquake” caused by Ukip’s victory in the European elections — the first national election win for a new political party in more than a century.

The Prime Minister has said he will reform Britain’s relationship with the EU before holding an in-out referendum in 2017.

However, Mr Cameron faces pressure from within his Cabinet to say more about the powers he hopes to win back from Brussels. The letter, organised by the Business for Britain advisory board, states: “We urge political leaders in both Westminster and Brussels to listen and respond to the message of change that the voters have made clear they want now, not later.”

Signatories include Sir Michael Hintze, who has given millions to the Tories, and Sir Rocco Forte, the hotel owner.
Mr Cameron has so far been reluctant to set out many details of his reform agenda, fearful of showing his hand too early in the complex European negotiations and horse trading that would follow a Conservative victory at the next election.

One Cabinet minister said Mr Cameron must be “more explicit” about his plans.
Other senior Conservatives worry that the lack of detail is fuelling public scepticism about the Prime Minister’s willingness and ability to deliver real change in the EU relationship.

In other developments yesterday:
☀  Mr Farage compared the main political parties to goldfish that have been “tipped out of the bowl” and left “desperately gasping for air” following his victory.
☀ An emotional Mr Clegg refused to resign as the Liberal Democrat leader but said his party’s performance was “gutting” and “heartbreaking” after it lost all but one of 11 MEPs.
☀ Mr Cameron criticised Mr Farage for claiming to be a “normal bloke down the pub” when in reality he was a “consummate politician” with large expenses claims and a wife on the public payroll.
☀  Mr Miliband refused to offer a referendum on Europe despite warnings from his own party that Labour faced a “catastrophe” at the general election.
☀ Tony Blair, the former prime minister, said Labour and other mainstream parties would be “foolish” not to be “worried” about the rise of Ukip.
☀ Mr Cameron and other European leaders will hold crisis talks today on the future of the EU after victories in the elections by extremist parties across the Continent.

François Hollande, the French president, last night appeared to support David Cameron’s claim that other leaders agreed it was “time for the EU to give back powers to member states”. In a televised address after France’s far-Right Front National came first in EU elections, Mr Hollande said: “Europe must be simple, clear; to be effective where it is expected and withdraw where it isn’t necessary.
“Europe has become distant. That cannot go on.”

Mr Farage said yesterday that people who predicted the European elections would represent a high-water mark for his party “ain’t seen nothing yet”.

He said Ukip was on its way to Westminster after his “people’s army” won the European election with 27.49 per cent of the vote. Labour finished second with 25.4 per cent, narrowly ahead of the Tories on 23.93 per cent.

Despite finishing third and losing seven of their 26 MEPs, many Tories said they were encouraged to come so close to beating Labour.

The Conservatives’ discipline will be tested again next month in the Newark by-election, where the party will try to resist a Ukip surge in one of its safest seats. A poll by Lord Ashcroft, the former Conservative Party deputy chairman, showed last week that Ukip could take away vital Tory votes in marginal constituencies next year.

In their letter, the business leaders said the electorate “voted for change and a chance to have their say”.
They said politicians should “set about explaining how they will deliver EU reform, a better deal for Britain and an in-out referendum”. One Tory Cabinet minister said the Ukip win means Mr Cameron must reveal more details of the changes in EU membership he plans to make.

The minister said. “We’ve got to start bringing back those Ukip voters, and that means being more explicit about what we’re going to deliver in Europe.
“Vague promises aren’t going to be enough. The Telegraph

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