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Christina Hagerfors |
Ukraine — Holding an election amid threats of invasion and sabotage by
fifth-column separatists is the most severe test a democracy can endure.
But as President Abraham Lincoln said, facing re-election in 1864 while
America’s Civil War still raged, “We cannot have free government
without elections; and if the rebellion could force us to forgo, or
postpone, a national election, it might fairly claim to have already
conquered and ruined us.”
Lincoln, we Ukrainians are resolved to go to the polls to choose a new
president, in defiance of every threat. We will not grant victory to
those who would discredit and dismember our country by allowing the May
25 vote to be canceled. Our election must go ahead if only to prove that
the 100 and more men and women who died for our liberty in the protests
around Maidan, Kiev’s Independence Square, did not die in vain.
We will brave every obstacle to vote, for we are determined to confound President Vladimir V. #Putin’s efforts to transform our democratic country into a Russian vassal state.
one should doubt that Mr. Putin’s primary aim is to hollow out our
democracy. But Americans, and free people everywhere, must not be
deceived by #Russia’s aggression, or by Mr. Putin’s current peace offensive.
separatist cause fomented by Russia would never win on its merits in
any free and fair vote of Ukrainians, as a recent Pew Research Center
poll has confirmed. Russia’s separatist mafia can win only sham
elections of the type that Mr. Putin has imposed on Russia since he came
to power 14 years ago, and which he recently forced upon our fellow
citizens, now hostages, in Crimea.
lie Mr. Putin is peddling is that Slavs constitute a special culture
that requires the rule of a strong man, and that European and democratic
ideals, and the tolerance of minorities that comes with them, are
antipathetic to that culture. The best possible rebuke to that falsehood
is a successful Ukrainian democracy linked to Europe.
liberty is a mortal threat to the authoritarian, state-capitalist
system that Mr. Putin has unleashed on Russia’s citizens. If Ukrainians,
who are also Slavs, can build an open society and a free economy, as we
are determined to do, then ordinary Russians may recognize the scale of
the liberties and the economic opportunities that have been stolen from
them under Mr. Putin’s misrule.
course, Ukrainians’ trust in their government has been shattered by the
growing realization of former President Viktor F. Yanukovych’s
corruption, and of his stealthy collaboration with Russia in undermining
Ukraine’s sovereignty. But our trust in one another has never been
spirit of resistance has kindled a new national consciousness across
the country, east and west, north and south. It is this spirit, not one
of vengeance, that we must keep alive in the days ahead.
we do, Ukrainians will secure the democracy and the European future to
which they have shown such extraordinary devotion. We can eliminate
corruption and cut down the bureaucratic maze that stifles the
entrepreneurial spirit of our people. We can embrace a modern
educational system, not the hidebound Soviet-style ways that still
prevail in too many of our classrooms.
know that we must man the barricades of freedom ourselves if Ukraine is
to remain free. But there is much that America and Europe can do to
help, short of sending soldiers to fight. As Winston Churchill wrote to
Franklin D. Roosevelt during the darkest months of World War II,
when Britain stood alone against Nazism: “Give us the tools, and we
will finish the job.” The consequences of allowing Ukraine to be
plundered and divided in the name of Mr. Putin’s imperial ambitions are
too dire to contemplate.
have battled for freedom, and now we are poised to risk everything we
hold dear in order to vote for it. Give us the support, material and
moral, that we need so that we can achieve the just and open democracy
that is America’s greatest bequest to the world.
Yulia V. Tymoshenko, a former prime minister, is a candidate in this month’s presidential election in Ukraine.
Source: New York Time
Source: New York Time
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