AliExpress by

9 May 2014

House leaders denounce Nigeria kidnappings, announce vote

NIgerian Womens, Protest
Females in Nigeria Protesting Against the Abduction
The House will consider legislation to combat human trafficking when it returns from the recess as part of a response to the abduction of hundreds of school girls in Nigeria.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) announced the move on Friday from the House floor during a colloquy with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).
Cantor said five bipartisan bills would be considered. He said they would resources and authorities to fight domestic human trafficking and provide services to the victims of trafficking.Cantor also said that the House would consider a resolution to condemn the abduction of nearly 300 Nigerian school girls by the terrorist group Boko Haram.
"The atrocities in Nigeria have awakened the global conscience and reminded all of the evil of human trafficking," Cantor said.
The House also observed a moment of silence for the kidnapped Nigerian teenage girls in its last vote series of the week.
Pelosi also said the kidnappings should be denounced by Congress.
"It is clear that what happened in Nigeria is outside the circle of civilized human behavior. it is unconscionable and these despicable acts must be condemned in the strongest possible terms," Pelosi said.
Boko Haram, an extremist group that opposes providing Western education to women, has threatened to sell the girls, who have been missing for more than three weeks, into slavery. The Senate passed a resolution by voice voice on Tuesday to condemn the kidnappings.
Source: The Hill News

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