AliExpress by

21 May 2014

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan condemns bombings

Bomb Blast in Nigeria
The area was packed with people when the bombings occurred

Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has condemned twin bombings in the central city of Jos in which at least 118 people were killed.

Mr Jonathan said those who carried out the attack were cruel and evil.
It is feared more bodies still lie under the rubble of buildings destroyed by the explosions, which targeted a crowded market and a hospital.
Nigeria has been facing a sustained campaign by the Islamist Boko Haram militant group.
The president said he was committed to fighting terrorism despite criticism that he has failed to ensure security.
'Enemies of human progress'
Last month Boko Haram abducted 200 girls from a boarding school in the north-eastern town of Chibok.

Bomb Blast in Nigeria
Witnesses spoke of scenes of horror and confusion in the aftermath of the attack

Bomb Blast in Nigeria
The twin bombings in Jos are seen by many as the latest affront to the government's internationally-backed security crackdown

Bomb Blast in Nigeria
Correspondents say that the aim behind back-to-back blast tactics - as also used by militants in Iraq - is to maximize civilian casualties
Bomb Blast in Nigeria
Firemen were still trying to put several blazes out hours after the attack and officials believe that more bodies will be found

President Jonathan described Tuesday's attack as a "tragic assault on human freedom".
"President Jonathan assures all Nigerians that [the] government remains fully committed to winning the war against terror and... Will not be cowed by the atrocities of enemies of human progress and civilisation," his office said.

He announced increased measures to tackle the militants, including a multinational force around Lake Chad which comprises a battalion each from Chad, Niger, Cameroon and Nigeria.
The second blast in Jos came 30 minutes after the first, killing rescue workers who had rushed to the scene, which was enveloped by clouds of black smoke.
 President Jonathan Goodluck
Mr Jonathan said those who carried out the attack were cruel and evil

"It's horrifying, terrible," said Mark Lipdo of the Stefanos Foundation, a Christian charity based in the city who said the air was heavy with the smell of burning bodies.
Witnesses described a grim scene of dead and badly injured people - some with limbs blown off - besides fires still raging out of control eight hours after the attack.
Dozens of those dead and injured were covered in grain that had been loaded in the second car bomb, witnesses said.

"Firemen are still trying to put several blazes out. We believe we will find more bodies," National Emergency Management Agency (Nema) Zonal Co-ordinator Mohammed Abdulsalam told the Associated Press.
He said the fires were being fuelled by flammable goods at the market, including rubber sandals.
A spokesperson for the regional governor told AFP news agency that most of the victims were women.
The market and bus terminal are part of the commercial centre of Jos.

Correspondents say that Nigeria is under renewed worldwide attention over its response to Boko Haram, especially given the global attention on the plight of the missing school girls.
Source: BBC News

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