AliExpress by

12 May 2014

East Ukraine separatists seek union with Russia

Rebel leader Denis Pushilin said Ukraine's presidential elections would not take place in Donetsk
A Ukrainian separatist leader is calling on Russia to "absorb" the eastern region of Donetsk after Sunday's referendum on self-rule.
Self-declared Donetsk People's Republic leader Denis Pushilin urged Moscow to listen to the "will of the people".

In neighbouring Luhansk, where a vote was also held, rebels declared independence.
Ukraine, the EU and US have declared the referendums illegal but Russia says the results should be "implemented".

Moscow has so far not commented on the call for Donetsk to become part of Russia but has appealed for dialogue between the militants and Kiev, with the participation of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

#Russia annexed Ukraine's southern autonomous republic of #Crimea after a disputed referendum in March and Kiev now fears its intentions in Donetsk, Luhansk and parts of southern Ukraine.
Nato believes some 40,000 Russian troops are deployed near #Ukraine's border, although Moscow says they have been pulled back.

'Appropriate step'

Separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk say 89% and 96% respectively voted in favour of "self-rule" in the referendums, held a fortnight before Ukraine's presidential elections.
Ukraine's acting President Olexander Turchynov said the turnout for the referendum was much lower than the figure of 75% claimed by the rebels.

"According to the Interior Ministry... about 24% of people eligible to vote took part in the so-called referendum the Luhansk Region and slightly over 32% in the Donetsk Region," he said.
But Mr Pushilin said the 25 May vote, would not happen in Donetsk because it was now "independent".
He added that he was not calling for Russian military intervention but that peacekeepers may be needed.
Source: BBC News

1 comment:

  1. Eastern Ukraine insurgents declare referendum victory, seek Russia annexation According to early returns, 89 percent of those who cast ballots Sunday in the Donetsk region and about 96 percent of those who turned out in the neighboring Luhansk region voted for sovereignty..The outcome was predictable.. and I had said so a long time ago too.. Yes Ukraine was taken over by force, by a government that the people didn't vote for, and so Donetsk and Lugansk have a right to self determination! The Ukrainian government that was not even elected has no say in the matter? The US which has no right whatsoever to even have a say, or NATO for which Ukraine aren't even a part of?
